Friday, July 6, 2012

First Adventure

This morning I ventured out alone with both of my girls for the first time. We weren't over ambitious, just a trip to the library. I had Olivia in my new Baby K'tan carrier (it's a cross between a wrap and a sling), and Alessia was in her stroller. Overall it went well. Alessia loves the library and was very eager to go. I nursed in public for the first time, changed a newborn poop overflow diaper (I had forgotten how common those are), and Alessia had her snack in the stroller on the way home. All in all, it was a very successful trip.

We're still debating wether or not to get a double stroller though. I love how compact and easy to manuever Alessia's stroller is, and I've always loved "babywearing." At the same time, I can see many situations in which I would want to put Olivia down in order to deal with Alessia, and that doesn't really work without a stroller equipped for a newborn. (Yesterday, for example, Alessia was outside with Adam and fell face first down a step onto concrete. If something like that were to happen while we were out and about, I couldn't pick her up with Olivia in the sling.) Also, Olivia often cries a bit when I first get her into the sling. She always calms down after a minute or two, but it wasn't ideal in the library when I was getting us reay to go home. This particular problem will get better over the next couple of months though, and I hate to make any purchasing decisions based on short term need. I'm also worried about getting a double stroller in and out of the house. There are two concrete steps to negotiate in order to get to my back door. With Alessia's stroller this isn't a problem. I could see it being very difficult with a double stroller. I know eventually I will need a double stroller (I carried Alessia in a baby bjorn until she was about 6 months old), but if I wait, I don't have to worry about wether or not the stroller is suited to a newborn.

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