Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Locavore Goes on Vacation

We are in Maine. Every year we rent a cottage with my in-laws in the little town of Owl's Head where Adam did most of his growing up. Because of our food allergies we don't eat out in restaurants much anymore. This sounds tragic to many, but we've decided that is more fun to cook local foods at the cottage. Maine has to be the locavore's dream. We've eaten locally caught haddock with tomatoes and kale. We grilled pork chops with roasted potatoes, corn on the cob, and a tomato and cucumber salad. Last night we roasted a chicken and grilled eggplant. Tonight, to top it all off, we grilled lamb sausages, and served them with little french green beans and pasta with a fresh tomato and basil sauce. We've eaten goat cheese sandwhiches, and we're taking home in a cooler water buffalo steaks and goat stew meat.

Alessia and Olivia at the Weskeag Farm in Owl's Head where we bought most of our vegetables and the best tasting strawberries.


Grilling lamb sausages.


A breakfast fry up with leftover roasted potatoes, broccoli, and eggs from Weskeag Farm.



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